
The two-wheeled paradise that moves the soul

A balance between walking and flying,a paradise between legs. A windbreaker so swift,a sublime beauty that revolutionised transport,a two-wheeled throne. No one knows how good it is to be at solitude until one gets a bike and hits the road alone.

The unmatchable serenity in riding a bike in the moonlight along a coast or a bumpy mountain road into the woods can’t be expressed in words. This dear two-wheeled beauty is the first love of many people. Especially youngsters are one of the highest bikesowning population according to the survey.Hence bikes are a very fast income business and also very becoming. Hence year by year or even month by month there are numerous new bike launch in India.

Thesenew bike launch ceremoniesare scheduled mostly to attract the younger people of the society.  It is because they are the first time buyers and wish to be the top and updated one among their peers.

Quirks to look for when looking at a new bike launch news:

It is a mentionable fact that everyone gets a feeling of a prince or princess while riding a bike for the first time. People feel like riding a horse into an unknown battle with the bravery of being on their own. And no more needing the help of parents or friends to drop at destinations. It is a very obscure amount of freedom that is uncountable but these feeling might get short-lived if the correct bike is not chosen properly.

Owner’s habitus

It is the first and foremost quality to be tested. There may be many new bike launch feststaking place but all are not designed for everyone.

Everyone’s body and height are different. hence choosing bike according to one’s height weight and physique is important or managing the heavy, the tall or short bike might become a nightmare.

The details

Attention to details is important. There are many details that should be considered without any highway options. These details are the important features of the bikes such as

  • Suspension
  • Brakes
  • Horsepower
  • Engine quality
  • Extra builds

Types of bikes depending on uses

Bikes vary with their uses. There are numerous divisions as to where and how the bikes are used. This is a common division for bikes all around the world.

  • Cruiser bikes
  • Sports bikes
  • Tourers
  • Street bike
  • Dual Purpose or Dirt bikes

These are the common varieties of bikes according to their style and the environment they are good at.

Things not to be ignore

Even though there are numerous choices in buying one’s first bike people should not be ignorant and buy bikes that are too much or too low. Considering the above facts is important and getting a correct bike rationally is important in having it for a long time.

Also, these heavy machines need continuous maintenance. Maintaining tyre pressure, engine tuning, carburettor checking is some of the important checkup methods for bikes. If these are done and if the bikes are maintained properly they will last for a very very long time.